Oh yeah, and I wish you a merry christmas and newyear
PEACE, from ME, ghendieee
PS: Here's a video !
Cover of I believe I can fly from R. Kelly, covered by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes.
23 December 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 14:46 0 comments
The title is YEAH
You know why? No? Ah bad luck..
So the reason why I say YEAH, is because RBC works again!
No not that soccerclub, but RADIOBLOGCLUB
It's in this sidething..
You like it?
You better do it
Well, this was my post for today
08 December 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 21:51 0 comments
Goodbye, I've had enough frustration
I won't get stuck
Goodbye, this dead end situation
It's just not worth my time
But waiting, so frustrating
I'm so sick of
All this tension not to mention
I'm so so sick of
I can't take it
I can't make it
Just save yourself this trouble
07 December 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 16:02 0 comments
What is ADO Den Haag?
Well, just call it ASO Den Haag xD
They are playing GREAT in the Eredivisie! Ehm, no xD
Huh, what? You don't know what ASO Den Haag is?
It's a football/soccer club of the Netherlands xD
And a keeper of ASO Den Haag, has released a porntape!
Yes, a porntape, the same as what Paris Hilton did..
And the supporters of AFC Ajax, made a song of it!
(AFC Ajax, is a football/soccer club too, AFC stands voor Amsterdamsche Football Club)
Just take a look:
The lyrics:
De keeper van Den Haag, van Den Haag, van Den Haag
De keeper van Den Haag, die heeft een dildo in z'n maag!
Het is toch, het is toch, het is toch niet gezond!
Een dildo, een dildo, een dildo in z'n kont!
De keeper van Den Haag, van Den Haag, van Den Haag
De keeper van Den Haag, die heeft een dildo in z'n maag!
Translation in English:
The keeper of The Hague, of The Hague, of The Hague
The keeper of The Hague, has a dildo in his stomach
It isn't, it isn't, it isn't healthy
A dildo, a dildo, a dildo in his ass
The keeper of The Hague, of The Hague, of The Hague
The keeper of The Hague, has a dildo in his stomach
The translation seems to be lame..
But it is GREAT, in dutch language xD
PS: For Dutch people, if you don't know what The Hague is.
The Hague is English for Den Haag
19 November 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 20:57 3 comments
OMG, such a great movie!
I luv the movie Butterfly Effect 1 !
Nr 2 sux, don't watch it
But nr 1 rox so hard!
It's my fave movie =)
Just watch it men!
If you wanna know, what it all is about..
I let you know later, I am lazy now to search it
12 November 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 20:39 0 comments
A little to late, to tell that I have my exams..
It already begun on Monday, and it is Wednesday xD
I only wanted to tell, that it's VERY EASY O_O
Only Economics was bullshit, too many questions =S
It sux, but
Math, Dutch Language, English and Deutsch, were very easy..
And I only have 2 more to go.. Geographics, and a Deutsch hearing test..
Or how do you call it xD
Ah well, that was my post xD
Have a nice day! Says Bon Jovi
01 November 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 21:07 0 comments
Yeah, vacation time, =D
It's about time >.<
I think I'm going to have a great vacation =D
This is my schedule =)
Monday: My friend is coming with his guitar, so we are going to play together =D
Tuesday: Day of relaxing, I really don't know what to do on this day, but I don't care
Wednesday: A friend of school comes to my house for some School 'Werkstuk'. So we have to work on that thing. I forgot the english word |-)
Thursday: Some friend of mine, is coming here to sleep over, we are going to have a FISH NIGHT xD. happy happy joy joy |-)
Friday: I'm going to Zoetermeer to a friend, untill Monday. For my Ramadan ^___^
I'm going to have a Suikerfeest on Monday. Tell me what Suikerfeest is in English and I will replace it ^____^
That's my schedule ^___^
Well, that's fun, for me, not for you
Just stfu..
And next, I like the song Memory of Sugarcult, it's my favo song on this moment O_O
Here's the video, acoustic and normal, you think it's the same video, but NO.. Someone put the acoustic version over the normal version. Don't read, just look ^____^
Normal Version:
Acoustic Version:
Byeee (^o^)/~~~
16 October 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 12:17 0 comments
Maybe episode 208? I HOPE SO >.<
No, it has to be earlier, DAMNIT >.<
To make you happy, here's the new intro and the new outro of NALUTO >.<
And here is the outro:
The intro song is called, YURA YURA by Hearts Grow.
And the outro song is called, SCENARIO by Saboten.
Well, byee
08 October 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 10:42 0 comments
Just see it for yourself =)
And watch it till it's over =)
19 September 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 22:28 0 comments
YEAH, I'm happy =)
You know why? No?
Ahh that's sad xD
Because, FINALLY, with gymnastics, or something like that, I DID FOOTBALL/SOCCER xD
4 weeks softball sux >.<
So finally 4 weeks football/soccer xD
And the 2nd thing is,
I'm FREE tomorrow xD
Or something like that =D
Most of the teachers, especialy on MAVO, are gone.
They are going to something like a sport thing for 3rd graders..
Ah well, still 8 days from now on xD
So wednesday next week xD
Goo Ghendieee, it's your birthday!
Buhbyeee !
Posted by Shadict on 21:58 0 comments
Meehh, I don't have new things to post, so I'm going to post some shit xD
No, not shit what comes out of your ass, just bullshit, and no, not shit out of a bull's ass.
Ah well, I'm going to annoy you with another video from YOUTUBE xD
But which one? That's the first question >.<
Think, think, think..
AHHH< it's YOUNG AJAX fairplay xD
Just see for yourself =D
I want another video, but which one?
AHH, another one =D
A medley that Metallica played, VMA 03 ^o^
Lenny Kravitz, Nirvana, The White Stripes and Michael Jackson, very cool ^___^
My birthday is in 10 days from now on..
27/09, don't forget to celebrate me xD
17 September 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 18:30 0 comments
YOOO ppl,
Wazaaaaaa, fineee?! Aightt, great =D
Well, my new post..
It has been a time ago..
But here's my news xD
I'm riding on my bike to school, and I saw my friends riding there to school too, but a friend of mine, saw me, and he saw that I've done my hair with gel (Because the most days I've wear a cap). So he saw it, but he looked backwards, so his wheel, hit the other bike, so his bike was totally BROKEN xD.. So he blames me, so I say to him, lEVENLOZE BOER, he can't stand that xD ..
And my 2nd thing is, I HAVE A RADIOBLOG, joy joy joy, be happy for me =D
So the 3rd thing is, I'm busy with my SUM41 site, but PHP doesn't work, so it comes later.
09 September 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 13:02 0 comments
Aight, you know that fucking crazy Angry German Kid,
and he's BACK, better than ever =D..
No, it's not a new movie, it's a mash up =D
Just see for yourself
26 August 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 19:46 0 comments
GREAT GERMAN KID xD He just wants to play Unreal Tournament =D He's so fucking cool, I just want to kick him in his nuts xD Sayonaraa (^o^)/~~~~ |
19 August 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 16:30 2 comments
Yo peopleee!
Wazuuppp ?!
This was my latest post =D
Good to make your day!
Bye =)
12 August 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 21:21 0 comments
Brownsound, yeah, the guitarist of Sum 41..
Some time ago, he left the band, so this is a compilation of him..
I didn't make it, but just see how 'SUGOI' he is..
Oh yeah, and the singer of Sum41, congrats with your new wife, Avril Lavigne..
Or should I say Avril Whibley xD..
Here is the compilation of Dave Baksh aka Brownsound..
03 August 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 14:55 0 comments
MUSIC, it's my LIFE, because I can NOT live without music
So you know I was in Indonesia last month, duh..
And there is Indonesian pop/rock music, and I start to like it..
I've bought cd's, much mp3 cd's, but also some normal audio cd's..
But their all copies (For people who doesn't know xD)
And I've listened to Samsons, who is great I think xD..
And also Peterpan, and I like the song Tak Bisakah (^o^)
Want to have the lyrics xD ?
Okay, here it is:
PETERPAN - Tak Bisakah
Hatiku bimbang dengan tetap pikirkanmu
Selalu-s'lalu dalam hatiku
Kumelangkah sejauh apapun itu
Selalu kau didalam hatiku
Ku berjalan-berjalan memutar waktu
Berharap temukan sisa hatimu
Mengertilah ku ingin engkau begitu
Mengerti kau didalam hatiku
Tak Bisakah kau menungguku
Hingga nanti tetap menunggu
Tak Bisakah kau menuntunku
Menemani dalam hidupku
Ku berjalan-berjalan memutar waktu
Berharap temukan sisa hatimu
Mengertilah ku ingin engkau begitu
Mengerti kau didalam hatiku
Jangan Kau mencari hidupku
Kemana Kau tau isi hatiku
Tunggu sejenak aku disitu
Jalanku jalan menemukanmu
Tak Bisakah kau menungguku
Hingga nanti tetap menunggu
Tak Bisakah kau menuntunku
Menemani dalam hidupku
30 July 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 21:38 0 comments
Hallo Moto!
I'm back in the Netherlands, and I HATE it.. =.=
Everybody died on the streets, no sign of life.. DAMNIT, so many difference with Indonesia..
Indonesia, the land where everybody LIVES, inside house and outside house..
Btw, no something positives, EMIRATESSS, the best company I ever flew with (I've only flown with 2 companies, Garuda and Emirates xD)
Because, the food is much better than Garuda, I think..
And you can watch movies, cause there is a TV where you can watch everything..
You know, such a mini thing that is in front of you, in the seat.
And it has a touch screen thingie xD.. You can watch TV, movies, play games and listen to music.. You can also sms, email or make a phone call, but you have to pay for that..
And it's CHEAP xD So if you going to fly to Indonesia or wherever, fly with Emirates..
But my mom said that Singapore Airlines is good too, so pick one xD..
Oh yeah, there is a negative thing of Emirates '_'
They STOP to much.. Look how I flew with Emirates..
Düsseldorf > Dubai > Colombo > Singapore > Jakarta
Ah well, it was a great trip (^o^)
But I'm lazy to post that TIPS thingie, and I'm too lazy to upload some photos xD
Posted by Shadict on 21:30 0 comments
Hello moto!
Right now, I'm sitting in an internet cafe..
Andd, I've got what to tell..
I'm getting into INDONESIAN MUSIC xD..
Here is Samsons - Kenangan Terindah with translation, found it with google xD
Aku yang lemah tanpamu
Aku yang rentan karena
Cinta yang t'lah hilang
Darimu yang mampu menyanjungku
Selama mata terbuka
Sampai jantung tak berdetak
Selama itu pun aku mampu
Untuk mengenangmu
Darimu kutemukan hidupku
Bagiku kaulah cinta sejati
Bila yang tertulis untukku
Adalah yang terbaik untukmu
Kan kujadikan kau
Kenangan yang terindah dalam hidupku
Namun takkan mudah bagiku
Meninggalkan jejak hidupku
Yang t'lah terukir abadi
Sebagai kenangan yang terindah
Darimu kutemukan hidupku
Bagiku kaulah cinta sejati
TRANSLATION, from a fool who can't English he say..
The Sweetest Memory
I am weak without you
I become vulnerable because
the love that was lost
from you could've lifted me
As long as these eyes can see,
Until this heart stops beating
For as long as I can afford
To remember you
In you, I found my life
To me, your love is pure
When what was fated for me
Becomes the best for you
I will make you
my life's sweetest memory
But it wasn't easy for me
To leave the tracks of my life
That was carved eternal
as the sweetest memory
In you, I found my life
To me, your love is pure
19 July 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 12:26 0 comments
My last post was a little bit of sad, so this is going to be a more happier post..
MY AUNT HAS GOT MARRIEEEDDDD.. She's only 25 years old, and she's my aunt xD
The marriages are much BETTER than in goddamn HOLLAND..
First you marry in your house, and the day after that, youre going to partyyyyy xD
So Ive gone trough that and it is muuuuuchhhhh better than in the netherlands xD
And they wear traditional INDONESIAN clothes..
Oh yeah, and it rained here 3 times here in MEDAN..
Before I came to Medan, it hasnt rained one drip..
And now, someone from the Netherlands has come Medan, it has rained 3 TIMES..
And you know, even if it rained here, you still die from the hot shit here in INDO -.-
So here is no coldness, you shower with cold water, not with hot water..
And next time, when I go home, Ill do something like NINO, but then not like 3 facts, but 5 - 10 - 15 advices if you.....
So be prepared xD
My subject will be: 5-10-15 advices when you go to INDONESIA
09 July 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 13:58 0 comments
Ok, the first thing I wanted you to tell is..
I saw Superman Returns xD..
Great movie I think.. Go see it for yourself..
Second thing.. I was going to JI Expo with my fam..
And my aunt has 2 friends who are gay..
So the 2 gay people went with us..
So we were there and we went home..
But there was some stupid thing that you can ride on..
And the smallest, Ray (3 years old?!), he wanted to ride it..
So we waited and waited.. Untill the gay people met their friends..
And one of their friend is OMFG FREAKY..
It was just a women.. All the gay people said the whole time.. ANDYYY..
I was freaked out.. =.=
So the third thing, is a sad thing..
So I flew from Jakarta to Medan..
I just came here and my grandpa was lying in the hospital..
So my mother cried, cuz he was dying there of oldness..
He barely could say anything, no, he COULD'NT say anything..
And he only moved but he didn't saw us..
So my family cried a lot, so did I..
So I went home with my aunt + uncle..
And later in the evening I came back
My grandpa was still moving, but then, not..
So I looked carefully, and my family noticed it to..
And we called a docter, and he came with the sad story..
So now we're all in painfully shit..
This is my 2nd day in Medan, and this already happened..
So this is what I wanted to tell..
06 July 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 10:41 1 comments
Yo people,
I'm in INDONESIA, in Jakartaaaa..
I LIKE it here dude, fuck farmers xD
I still don't bought many things cuz I'm still 2/3 days here..
And tomorrow I'm going to Medan xD..
Oh yeah, and about an hour, I'm going to the cinema watching Superman Returs xD
And I've got much more to tell !
I was going to Ancol, it's like a park with so many things in it..
We had much fun xD
And today I was going to Pondok Indah Mall..
It's omfg big in there, and it has a skywalk there
And for the rest, I'm sitting right now by my family and not in an internet cafe..
My family has frickin internet .. \(^o^)/
And more photos to come when I'm back in HOLLAND..
PS. Starbucks ENAK BANGET xD
04 July 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 13:17 0 comments
Yo ppl =)
I've just saw a video that really is OMG..
He's TOO flexible =_=
And tomorrow I'm going to Indonesia..
So I'm going to speak you there =)
30 June 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 17:49 0 comments
You know, I usually look on YouTube, so I searched for stupid things..
Just like,
Fight > Jump > Tornado Kick > Head > KO xD
Retardsssss >.<
29 June 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 12:27 0 comments
Ghallo ppl..
As you can see, I've got a new template =D
Most of the people say that it's more ME-style..
And I luv it xD
Well, still 3 days from now on 'till INDONESIAAA =D
Just as I said, be preparedddd
And all of my friends are going to INDONESIA toooooo..
I'm going to meet them there..
Just like Nino, Lil J', Rocs and Pindoo and much more xD
Hm, a rhyme! Nino, pindo.. No =+=
And tomorrow, I've got to pick up my rapport on sekolaaaaa..
I'm going to the 4th class of MAVO xD
Yeah, what a pleasant..
Exam class =+=
Don't have any tests, only examss =D
That's a positive thing..
I'll talk to you people later, or when I'm in INDONESIAA =)
Ja-ne bakaaaa (@_@)/~~~
28 June 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 16:10 0 comments
The first one is from SUM 41 O_O..
So this is PIECES (live)
And the next one is JAPANESE xD.. It's an old song, but I don't care, I like the song =)
And one more thing.. A friend of mine, has a new MP3 player..
It can play audio (MP3, WMA and more), VIDEO -_-, pictures, games and much more..
But I don't care..
Ja-neee xD
27 June 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 17:44 0 comments
Okay, the title already said it..
So I'm going to tell you something about it, because it's a blog xD
So the first I'm going to say is..
Saturday, 24th of June 2006
A classmate of mine was having a birthday party..
It was late in the evening, so I went to that party with 2 other friends of mine..
So we were there and I enjoyed it there.. But THEN..
They were serving alcohol there, and I got too much of it..
So I got, you know what.. So I puked everywhere xD
And my time to party there was over, my parents were coming to me from Eindhoven..
Cuz in Eindhoven was FIESTA DEL SOL.
But good for me, my parents were laughing when they saw me, and they were not angry..
So that was the party of my friend..
Sunday, 25th of June 2006
OMG.. I had a fucking HANGOVER when I woke up..
I puked again -_- .. But then it was going better =)
Then that evening.. The DUTCH has played..
It was a OMFG game.. 16 YELLOW CARDS and 4 RED CARDS =_=
We lost to those damn Portugese people..
That stupid referee.. I really wanted to kick him in the nuts..
But he's in Germany and I am in the Netherlands..
Damn Portugese people..
Saturday, 1st of July 2006
For four weeks ^^
I'm going to post some news when I'm in Indonesia in this blog..
So be prepared.. =)
I'm going via Dubai, when I'm going to Indonesia, I'm going to stay at Dubai for 3 hours or something.. And when I go back, about 14 hoursss =D
That's great..
Mayb I'm going to post some movies + photo's of INDO + DUBAI =)
So that were the 3 things that I was going to tell you about =)
Ja-ne peopleee ^^
26 June 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 23:47 1 comments
OMG, people..
Today was my day of sports on my school.. I did soccer/football..
There were 2 league's.. A or B league.. I was in the B-Leaguee..
I had a really weird team.. No one in my team plays soccer/football as sport, only as hobby..
So we defeated al those stupid teams =D
So we came to the final, and we played against our other team of our class..
So we played against them, but we were F*CKING tired.. So they've won with 1 - 0
1st match: 0 - 0 (Draw)
2nd match: 5 - 0 (Won)
3rd match: 2 - 0 (Won)
4th match: 3 - 0 (Won)
5th match: 2 - 1 (Won)
Half Final: 0 - 0 (Won after penalties)
Final: 1 - 0 (Lose)
But who cares, we won a coupon from KEES (It's the best ice cream shop of the Netherlands, and it's in my town ^^).
But omg, my legs hurt and I'm injured damnit..
But who caress
22 June 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 17:23 1 comments
Hmss, strange..
Our schooltrip was in Deutschland, and the world championship is in Deutschland..
Das ist sehr vague..
Ah well, we had so much fun in 'MOVIE PARK'.. But it was way tooooooo shorttt..
We were there about 11:30, and we were leaving about 15:30.. Stupid bastards..
We only had 1 rollercoaster and 2 watercoasters or something like that..
And we were 1 hour and 30 minutes in line for the first rollercoaster..
That wooden thingie..
And further, we were screaming HOLLAND all the time in Deutschland..
So das war SUPER TOLL.. nott..
Ah well.. and the Netherlands were playing blöd cuz they've played 0 - 0 against Argentiniaa -_-
But we've gone a round further..
And that was my day..
21 June 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 23:42 1 comments
I'm BACK..
Today was a great day, because I went to Eindhoven in the centrum with my friends.
We had so much fun.. Cause at the EXPO, we saw some girl, that looked like a HO..
And much more things like that..
And in our village, there was a robbery.. And there were SO MUCH POLICE..
The police were everywhere, I went crazy dude..
There were 3 people lying on the ground, and a female police was holding a goddamn gun..
But that's what I heard, I really don't know what really happened..
And further, the Netherlands 2nd game was today, and THEY'VE WON with 2 - 1.. =D
Van Persie + Van Nistelrooy !
The Netherland was playing good the first half hour, but then they were fading away..
Ah well, we've won, and we've gone a round further =D
And now, I'm going to say goodbye..
16 June 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 22:01 2 comments
Cause I was a lil lazy to post something..
But this week, I've got my week of tests TT_TT
So wish me succes..
And I've already had my last lesson day of this year..
AND, not this week, but the week after this week, we are going to WARNER BROS with school..
YAY.. \(^o^)/
Oh yeah, and today, is the day, that the Netherlands, have to play against Servië and Montenegro (It's one country, but after the worlds championship, it's going to be seperated)
So, I hope that the Netherlands will win =D !
Let's cheeerrrrrr!
So this was my post..
Sayonaraa (^o^)/~~~~
11 June 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 13:54 1 comments
Our vacation is over \(-_-)/
It's saturday, and 1 more day to go, and we must go to school (;_;)
And Tuesday, I have my 'Spreekbeurt'
If someone knows the english word for Spreekbeurt, tell me ¦-)
And I must give all my info, to my teacher, on Monday (;_;)
And I still got nothing ¦-)
And I don't have time to do something,
Cuz today, I did nothing at all..
And tomorrow, I'm going to play badminton ¦-)
So I must do it tomorrow..
So wish me good luck \(^o^)/
Peace ^o^
04 March 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 22:09 0 comments
Finally, my order from the Large is here!
This is it
I've waited since 13 feb. 06 -.-
And today, the Netherlands must play against Ecuador!
So let's cheer for THE DUTCH xD..
So this was it xD
01 March 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 12:42 1 comments
Hello people,
this week is vacation week \(^o^)/
But the only problem is that I'm so f*cking bored *_*
Everybody is celebrating carnaval, not like that Brasilian one, but that Dutch thingie -.-'
Everyone is drinking his ass out of his/her body..
Then, everybody is kissing each other -.-
Because they're so f*cking drunk O_o..
And nobody asked me (;_;)
Ah wel, but it was way too expensive..
Eight euro's for one ticket!
That's too crazy -.-'
So, that's all folks
See you around /(^o^)/~~~
28 February 2006 | Posted by Shadict on 18:52 0 comments
Hello to all of you people |-)
I'm Andy, but everyone calls me Ghandy =D -_O
Let me tell me something about me.
I'm Andy..
Alright, that was it \('_')/
Bye -.-'
Posted by Shadict on 17:31 0 comments