New template

Ghallo ppl..

As you can see, I've got a new template =D
Most of the people say that it's more ME-style..
And I luv it xD

Well, still 3 days from now on 'till INDONESIAAA =D
Just as I said, be preparedddd
And all of my friends are going to INDONESIA toooooo..
I'm going to meet them there..
Just like Nino, Lil J', Rocs and Pindoo and much more xD
Hm, a rhyme! Nino, pindo.. No =+=

And tomorrow, I've got to pick up my rapport on sekolaaaaa..
I'm going to the 4th class of MAVO xD
Yeah, what a pleasant..
Exam class =+=
Don't have any tests, only examss =D
That's a positive thing..

I'll talk to you people later, or when I'm in INDONESIAA =)
Ja-ne bakaaaa (@_@)/~~~