Goalkeeper of ADO Den Haag

What is ADO Den Haag?
Well, just call it ASO Den Haag xD
They are playing GREAT in the Eredivisie! Ehm, no xD
Huh, what? You don't know what ASO Den Haag is?
It's a football/soccer club of the Netherlands xD
And a keeper of ASO Den Haag, has released a porntape!
Yes, a porntape, the same as what Paris Hilton did..
And the supporters of AFC Ajax, made a song of it!
(AFC Ajax, is a football/soccer club too, AFC stands voor Amsterdamsche Football Club)

Just take a look:

The lyrics:

De keeper van Den Haag, van Den Haag, van Den Haag
De keeper van Den Haag, die heeft een dildo in z'n maag!
Het is toch, het is toch, het is toch niet gezond!
Een dildo, een dildo, een dildo in z'n kont!
De keeper van Den Haag, van Den Haag, van Den Haag
De keeper van Den Haag, die heeft een dildo in z'n maag!

Translation in English:

The keeper of The Hague, of The Hague, of The Hague
The keeper of The Hague, has a dildo in his stomach
It isn't, it isn't, it isn't healthy
A dildo, a dildo, a dildo in his ass
The keeper of The Hague, of The Hague, of The Hague
The keeper of The Hague, has a dildo in his stomach

The translation seems to be lame..
But it is GREAT, in dutch language xD


PS: For Dutch people, if you don't know what The Hague is.
The Hague is English for Den Haag


OMG, such a great movie!
I luv the movie Butterfly Effect 1 !
Nr 2 sux, don't watch it
But nr 1 rox so hard!
It's my fave movie =)

Just watch it men!
If you wanna know, what it all is about..
I let you know later, I am lazy now to search it


A little to late

A little to late, to tell that I have my exams..
It already begun on Monday, and it is Wednesday xD

I only wanted to tell, that it's VERY EASY O_O
Only Economics was bullshit, too many questions =S
It sux, but
Math, Dutch Language, English and Deutsch, were very easy..
And I only have 2 more to go.. Geographics, and a Deutsch hearing test..
Or how do you call it xD
Ah well, that was my post xD

Have a nice day! Says Bon Jovi
