Pimp My Ferrari

I got bored, so I photoshopped some Ferrari I found on Google.

The original with the customized:

I added a neon light, which wasn't very good.
I turned the car red!
And it has a Ferrari logo on the side of the car.
Not much, but I like the result.

Well, peace out!


OH YEA, it's vacation! My vacation started today, on friday. Well actually, yesterday after school, when I went home. And I'm bored already, damnit. But I'm going to party I think. And I don't know how many days!

Some other news. I hate Jetix. Because I read somewhere that Naruto is coming to Holland, yes, the anime. And I saw some movie that I like, and guess what. It came on Jetix too. Jetix can suck my balls. I hate it so fucking much. Especcialy the thing of Naruto. I don't want to hear some retards do the voices of Naruto and stuff.

Some other news? Eh, Naruto Shippuuden started today, and it was awesome! I think, I want to see more, because these THINGS, are NO fillers! All killer, no filler .. And as you can see, I add a rb (radioblog). I'm going to update that sometimes, when I want to..

Well goodbye from me. GHANDY

If everyone cared

The title of the song, is called If Everyone Cared. By Nickelback! The reason, why I post their video, is because the video has a special meaning. And it TOUCHES! Well, to me, it does.. And I really can't understand people from those years. One person, that only want to have equalty in the world, must go to prison.. Nelson Mandela! And not only he, there are more people, who wants equalness in the world, in this video! They want to show, that every person, is the same!

Here is the video of Nickelback, bye!


Yeah, guitar.. A body made of wood with a neck and strings. GUITAR! I think, if I can record with my cam, I can show some songs I can play on the guitar. For fun! _O- If you don't like it, don't watch it. If you like it, just do what you wanna do. I really dunno with what song I should start with.. Ah well, we'll see that then!


2nd Examweek

Just as the title says, I just had my 2nd examweek. And I scored good! For me..
Dutch: 8,1 (6,4)
English: 8,3 (6,5)
German: 6,7 (6,5)
Math: 7,6 (7,1)
Geography: 6,5 (6,5)
Economics: 5,3 (5,4)

Except for Economics ! But ah well, somewhere in March, there will be some party for 4th graders and higher. So from class 4 'till class 6. -4 mavo/havo/vwo, 5 havo/vwo, 6 vwo. It is going to be OH YEA

Bye from Ghandy!