Back home..

Hallo Moto!

I'm back in the Netherlands, and I HATE it.. =.=
Everybody died on the streets, no sign of life.. DAMNIT, so many difference with Indonesia..
Indonesia, the land where everybody LIVES, inside house and outside house..

Btw, no something positives, EMIRATESSS, the best company I ever flew with (I've only flown with 2 companies, Garuda and Emirates xD)
Because, the food is much better than Garuda, I think..
And you can watch movies, cause there is a TV where you can watch everything..
You know, such a mini thing that is in front of you, in the seat.
And it has a touch screen thingie xD.. You can watch TV, movies, play games and listen to music.. You can also sms, email or make a phone call, but you have to pay for that..
And it's CHEAP xD So if you going to fly to Indonesia or wherever, fly with Emirates..
But my mom said that Singapore Airlines is good too, so pick one xD..
Oh yeah, there is a negative thing of Emirates '_'
They STOP to much.. Look how I flew with Emirates..

Düsseldorf > Dubai > Colombo > Singapore > Jakarta

Ah well, it was a great trip (^o^)
But I'm lazy to post that TIPS thingie, and I'm too lazy to upload some photos xD
